by: Lexi Spivak
Posted: Jul 5, 2023 / 01:59 PM EDT
(WATE) — In this week’s edition of Smoky Mountain Minute, Naturalist and Educator Liz Domingue stopped by the WATE 6 On Your Side studios to talk about the variety of butterflies and moths found in the Smokies.
Dominque is also the co-author of Butterflies and Moths of the Smokies, one of the more recent (2019) additions to the Great Smoky Mountains Association’s field guide series.
Considering how incredibly biodiverse and special the Great Smoky Mountains are, Dominque shared they can also be a haven for some of the smallest and gentlest creatures in nature.
Those who are interested in picking up a Butterflies and Moths of the Smokies field guide can do so through the Great Smoky Mountains Association website.